Saturday, October 19, 2013

Time and Tide Clock

When we bought Zoe, neither of the wall clocks were functioning. Batteries fixed the 5 inch time clock but not the 7 inch time and tide.

The only marking on the clock are. Housing India, Movement Germany. Fortunately, Kat came across Moore and Co on the Internet and was able to match up a movement from Pictures on the site. I reassembled the clock with the new movement and I think we are in business. The time is very good and the tide seems to follow the Atlantic coast pretty well.
Capt. Mike

Monday, October 14, 2013

Boat show weekend

Monday Oct 14
We spent the weekend hanging in Annapolis. I'm am very excited to report that our fridge problems turned out to be an electrical problem with the water cooling pump. I am also happy to report that the windlass problem was a wire left off during the bow repair this summer. Two problems solved with very little expense. Wow that never happens!

We found a cleaner to hopefully polish up our windshield and bought a sewing machine.

I have been promised that I will be able to sew with this machine. I made the salesman give me his cell #. I am going to bug him if I can't figure it out. It just occurred to me that I didn't try his # out. I wonder if he gave me somebody else's. Hmmm.

We also found this wonderful oil lamp at a tent sale complete with dents to replace the one that Zoe would have had originally.

All in all, a pretty good weekend. Next up, find a new movement for Zoe's time and tide clock.

Capt. Mike